Rogue Paper Scissors

an incomplete game by A1rsh1p and Harnaś

Game is not complete by any means :( Treat it as an idea for a game at this stage!


  1. Play cards to boos your moves(it's best to drag by a bottom left corner for some reason XD)
  2. After you feel like you played enough cards - pass the turn
    1. You'll draw two cards every turn to a limit of 5 or so (IIRC xD)
  3. Once both players pass, you need to select either paper, rock or scissors.
    1. Winning move will grant you +10 points on top of all card bonuses for the selected move.
    2. Winning move does not guarantee winning round.
  4. Player with a higher score will deal damage to the opponent.
  5. Bring opponent's health to 0 to become a self-proclaimed winner! (I don't think there's a win condition implemented... God, it hurts...)
Published 20 days ago
GenreCard Game


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